Tag Archives: Tips and Tricks

Why the 360 Video tour is out: New options for realtors

I have been scouting the internet for alternatives to the “old” but still very much used 360 video tours for real estate listings.  I recently came across a few really good options.  Although a few of them are well just not wallet friendly, I still wanted to share a couple of them.  The first one is from wallet breaker but still fun to watch.  It’s from Australia’s Platinum HD and it speaks for itself it can be seen here.  The second Is an option I am looking to incorporate into my services and it is by Seattle based photographer Malia Cambell.  I really do enjoy watching her videos.

What do you think, is this something that would interest you?  I think it is something that could add value to both my business and your business as a realtor.  360 videos seem so old compared to this, and those videos made of still pictures just don’t have life to them like this.

Getting your listing ready for a shoot.

You might think that having that million dollar listing the house is beautiful enough that you don’t need the owner to do anything to be ready for a shoot.  There is a few things that could help though, and I have them here for you to review.

  1. Keep pets out of site or in the garage
  2. Cars out of the driveway
  3. Trash bins should be put in a place as where the cannot be seen
  4. Gardening tools and such things should also be put away
  5. Lawn should be freshly mowed
  6. The house should be freshly swept and mopped
  7. Clean and uncluttered counters
  8. The fridge should not have anything as in pictures or magnets
  9. Personal items in bathrooms should be put away
  10. A excess of personal pictures and mementos should be put away as well.  Remember you want them to picture themselves in this house.

If you keep these things in mind and you look around the house when taking the listing you wont have to ask for anything to be done.  If not I have found an easy way to let them know that some of their personal items can be clutter by telling them you want to stage their home.  There is nothing like having that picture perfect home ready . . . [”0*]